Thanks to Jordan McCollum at Momma Blogga for this respond!

On, they automatically filter spam comments using a
plugin called Akismet.  Sometimes spam comments aren't marked as such.
Mark them equally spam to aid Akismet block comments from that bot.

On a self-hosted WordPress blog (, you need a API key to activate the Akismet plugin, which comes with
WordPress.  To get the API central, register with  Once
you've registered, sign in and become to to meet your profile.  Your API key will be at the lesser of this page.

If Akismet isn't working for y'all, other spam-fighting plugins include Bad Behavior ( ) and Spam Karma (

y'all can utilise WordPress to filter comments that include specific words,
marking them for moderation or as spam.  Under Options > Discussion,
you can type these specific words in the Comment Moderation box to marker
the comments for your moderation.  To automatically marking these comments
as spam, enter the words in the Comment Blacklist box instead.  (You
tin can retrieve "fake positives," or comments that are not actually spam,
from the Akismet Spam submenu under the  Comments menu.)

And yeah, I become X-rated spam comments on my weblog every mean solar day.
For a while, I received more than l spam comments a day.  Akismet
defenseless nearly all of them.  The few that it didn't catch were often
flagged for moderation automatically.

Proficient luck.  You can't stop the spam comments from coming in,
but yous can brand sure that the spammers attacking your site don't get what they want!

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